Mars Hill University Inducts New Alpha Chi Members
Mars Hill University inducted 13 new members into the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society on Thursday, October 24, 2024. Mars Hill's chapter, North Carolina Epsilon Chapter 120, was formed in 1971. Members of the honor society must be juniors and seniors with grade point averages in the top 10 percent of the student body.

Honor Society -
2024 Oct 28
Fall 2020 Inductees and Officers of Alpha Chi
The North Carolina Epsilon Chapter 120 of Alpha Chi Honor Society at Mars Hill University inducted 13 new members and installed officers in the fall semester of 2020. Members of the honor society must be juniors and seniors with grade point averages in the top 10 percent of the student body.

Honor Society -
2020 Oct 19
Fall 2019 Inductees to Alpha Chi
The North Carolina Epsilon Chapter 120 of Alpha Chi Honor Society at Mars Hill University inducted eleven new members in the fall semester of 2019. Members of the honor society must be juniors and seniors with grade point averages in the top 10 percent of the student body.

Honor Society -
2019 Nov 6
Spring 2019 Inductees to Alpha Chi
The North Carolina Epsilon Chapter 120 of Alpha Chi Honor Society at Mars Hill University inducted seven new members in the spring semester of 2019. Members of the honor society must be juniors and seniors with grade point averages in the top 10 percent of the student body.

Honor Society -
2019 Jul 2
Students Inducted Into Alpha Chi National Honor Society
Fifteen students were inducted into the Mars Hill University chapter of Alpha Chi National Honor Society in fall 2017.

Honor Society -
2018 Jan 8